Cat Nail Trim
/ Categories: Cat, Preventative Care

Cat Nail Trim

If your cat isn’t wearing down their claws in their daily activities, then you will have to get into the routine of trimming them regularly. You will know that your cat needs their claws trimmed when their claws either don’t retract completely or continually get caught on the carpets or furniture. Generally, if they aren’t wearing them down enough on their own, their claws will need to be cut every couple of weeks. Doing this regular maintenance helps prevent problems that could arise from the claws digging into the nail pad, like pain and general mobility problems. Since we know that claw trimming is never the most fun for either the cat or the owner, we have linked Churu, a tasty cat snack, below. In many cases it proves to be a helpful distraction for the cat that keeps them much calmer than they would be otherwise. We have also linked cat claw clippers in case you don’t want to use the larger ones that are shown in the video. If you do want the larger ones, they are linked under the dog nail trim post. Finally, there is also some Kwik-Stop linked in case of any bleeding.

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